Climate Adaptation Summit 2024

Om evenemanget

December 5–6, 2024
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Register here

Climate Adaptation Summit 2024

On 5-6 December 2024 city and water sector stakeholders from the Nordic region, as well as European and global stakeholders, will gather for a lunch-to-lunch summit to discuss challenges and opportunities in climate adaptation within the water sector.

Greater Copenhagen is joining forces with key organizations driving the green transition in the Nordic region to spark a conversation about financial and investment requirements, innovation needs and opportunities for industrial development within climate change adaptation.

The summit will focus on cities, urban water management, and the impact of investments in climate change in order to building resilience to anticipated changes such as rising sea levels, more frequent and severe storms, increased precipitation, and extreme events like cloudbursts and urban flooding.

Find more information and register here

Conference theme and program

Under the theme “How much are our cities worth? – a Danish-Swedish summit on Sustainable Financing for Climate Change Adaptation” we will address vital topics including:

  • Which climate adaptation measures should be prioritized for financing?
  • Where will the necessary funding come from?
  • Which regulation can effectively promote sustainable adaptation?

The summit will focus on cities, urban water management, and the impact of investments in climate change in order to building resilience to anticipated changes such as rising sea levels, more frequent and severe storms, increased precipitation, and extreme events like cloudbursts and urban flooding.


Why should you attend

The target audience is decision-makers, water sector and city leaders, and researchers working on these issues. Don't miss your chance to connect and collaborate with experts shaping the future of water management.

Find more information and register here


You will meet numerous well renowned European and Nordic speakers:

  • Lars Weiss, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen (TBD)
  • Sofia Hedén, Chair of the environment committee in Malmö,
  • Antje Stokman, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning, HafenCity Universität - Hamburg
  • Markku Rummukainen, Prof. University of Lund and Member of IPCC
  • Jennifer Cherrier, professor at City University of New York
  • Amanda Ikert, Head of Adaptation Implementation at C40 Cities
  • Blaz Kurnik, Head of Group – Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, EEA
  • Karina Banquet, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Carsten Nystrup and Brian Hansen, CEO’s and Directors of water utilities in Malmö, Copenhagen and Northern Copenhagen: VA Syd
  • Professors Henrik Aspegren, Lund University/Sweden Water Research, Magnus Arnell, RISE and Peter Steen Mikkelsen, DTU in a round-table discussion on opportunities to promote innovation in climate change adaptation.

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson will guide the summit through a Nordic and European discussion on adaptation challenges, how to plan and invest for an uncertain future, societal and technological solutions to protect infrastructure and the values at stake in our cities and the current innovation needs alongside funding opportunities and models.


Summit organizer logotypes


For questions about the program, please, contact:

Miriam Feilberg, Programme manager

T: +45 87 93 35 01
M: +45 22 44 14 52


For questions about the conference in general, please, contact:

Helle Benjaminsen, Course secretary

T: +45 87 93 35 61

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